Brad Allen Coaching
Fitness & Health • Lifestyle • Spirituality/Belief
Act with integrity and re-emerge stronger. Brad Allen is an accredited coach and author, specializing in supporting and challenging people across the globe from some of the biggest and well-known multinational companies. Join him here if you dare.
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Coaching Contract – Commitments

This post sets out the ground rules for the coaching relationship and clarifies expectations, specifically in relation to commitments.

Coach’s Commitment.

The Coach understands and accepts this coaching commitment:
As the Coach, I undertake to meet with you, the Client, virtually, via web-based video call technology, on the dates and time(s) agreed between us in accordance with the Schedule of Sessions. I will endeavor to create a safe and confidential learning environment to assist you in the development of your self-awareness. I will take responsibility for monitoring and encouraging your learning. I will provide you with unlimited accountability support, which comes in the form of instant messaging aligned to the actions we define together during our coaching meetings. I will use my skills to help you bring your focus to the aspects that interfere with your progress, performance and stop you from reaching your full potential. In particular, I will help you explore those attitudes, behaviors, values, and beliefs that hold you back and stop you from doing the things you want and achieving the life you desire.

Client’s Commitment.

The Client understands and accepts these client commitments:
i) As the Client, I understand that successful coaching requires a collaborative approach between me and you, the Coach. In the coaching relationship, you play the role of a facilitator of change, but it is my responsibility to enact or bring about the change.
ii) As the Client, I undertake to meet with you, the Coach, virtually, via web-based video call technology, on the dates and time(s) agreed between us in accordance with section 7 of this agreement. I understand that for the coaching relationship to work I must come to these sessions prepared to explore and analyze the aspects of my personal and professional life that I want to change.
iii) As the Client, I understand that to get the most out of the coaching sessions and the program, I have to be:
> Serious about wanting to change.
> Ready to manage the negative thoughts and feelings, attitudes, behaviors, and actions that hold me back.
> Prepared to try out new ideas or ways of doing things and reflect and learn from the experience.
> Prepared to listen to feedback and act on it where appropriate to do so.
> Prepared to spend time in between sessions working through actions I agree upon during the sessions.
iv) As the Client, I understand that
> I am responsible for my physical, mental and emotional well-being during my coaching sessions. I am aware that I can choose to discontinue the coaching at any time.
> Coaching is a comprehensive process that may involve all areas of my life, including work, finances, health, relationships, education, and recreation. I understand that deciding how to handle these issues, incorporate coaching into these areas, and implementing my choices are exclusively my responsibility.
> Responsibility to consult any health care professionals lies with me and, if I am currently receiving treatment in relation to a mental health issue, I have consulted with all relevant health care providers and those persons are aware of my decision to proceed with the coaching relationship.
> Coaching is not to be used as a substitute for professional advice from legal, medical, financial, business, spiritual, or other qualified professionals. I will seek independent professional advice for any legal, medical, financial, business, spiritual, or other matters. I acknowledge that all decisions in these areas are exclusively mine and I acknowledge that my decisions and my actions regarding them are my sole responsibility.

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2021 TPAssist LTD

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Coaching, without the fluffy BS!

You probably have a lot in common with those I coach. They aren’t strangers to expletives when facing day to day challenges. And, they are keen to not let life pass them by or wash over them.

They believe in freedom and democracy in a world that increasingly wants to judge them by characteristics rather than their character and behaviours.

They subscribe to the idea of bringing forward their individual strengths, rather than succumbing to the will of the herd.

Those drawn to my coaching, have a good bond with means and their careers are progressing well, however, they sense that there is more to do.

They recognise their support structures are not sufficient, and they take action to fix it.

As those I work with can testify, I approach coaching with a no B.S. and straight-forward style.

I engage with your perspective; challenge your thinking through non-judgemental observations and well-formed questions; and I help you stay accountable to your decisions.

Coaching helps you bring focus to ...


This community is one of the primary places to access 1-to-1 coaching from me, Brad Allen.

I am an accredited coach and author, specializing in supporting and challenging people across the globe from some of the biggest and well-known multinational companies.

Through all the hours of coaching and working with real people, with real challenges, it is clear to me that life is brutal, and it is not a walk in the park. Furthermore, there is only so much we can achieve or change in isolation. We need others. We need to be supported and we need to be challenged. Acceptance of these facts is key to learning, growing, and re-emerging stronger.

I help others confront hard choices to act with integrity and re-emerge stronger. I do this through 1-to-1 coaching.

I deliver coaching through a subscription model. I have found this approach is the most effective and efficient method to help you think and act better, as well as keep you accountable. There are three subscription levels: Member, Supporter and ...

Friday Check-In - The good, the bad and the right mindset

This is the Friday Check-In for 23rd April 2021.

Today's theme is... The good, the bad, and the right mindset

The Anatomy of Coaching (AUDIO)

In this piece, I look at the why, what, and how of coaching. In doing that, I hold little back. I share the truth about the ugliness it fights and what is truly needed to make it work.

(read it at )

All Rights Reserved. Copyright (C) 2021 Brad Allen

The Anatomy of Coaching (AUDIO)
Friday Check-In - The good, the bad and the right mindset (audio only)

This is the Friday Check-In for 23rd April 2021.

Today's theme is... The good, the bad, and the right mindset

Friday Check-In - The good, the bad and the right mindset (audio only)
Friday Check-In - Corrupting your Focus (audio only)

This is the Friday Check-In for 16th April 2021.

Today's theme is... Corrupting your Focus

Friday Check-In - Corrupting your Focus (audio only)
November 29, 2021
Feeling caged?

So, you now have to QR scan your movements, lockdown every so often, wear masks and front up periodically for boosters. It is just an adjustment of the trade-offs you have already made long ago. A necessary compromise in yourself to get what you need and want.

The compromises make up the walls, floor, and ceiling of the cage you made for yourself. This is the burden of choice.

You are juggling complex layers of conflicting wants, needs, and commitments. The conflict is a burden. Firstly, you must carry the weight of where you find yourself right now. This relates to the impact of your past choices. Secondly, you must carry the weight of the future. This relates to the burden of the choices you have before you now.

You will be reminded daily of the burden of the choices you made in the past (i.e., the aspects in your world that you should continue to nurture or maintain). The obvious example being the emotional and financial support relating to your loved ones. Another example would be...

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October 05, 2021
Enabling great people to focus on future generations, create a sustainable future and be good ancestors

"Achieving great things requires great people doing their best at what they do. In working with the oceans to develop blue growth strategies and fight climate change, we at Simply Blue Group recognize the value of great people and how important it is to create the conditions for them to be at their best. Our continued growth simply wouldn’t be possible without that.

With things opening up again, it was decided to bring everyone together for a working session. We had grown substantially since the start of 2020 and many of our valued people hadn’t met yet in person. We also had some key challenges to discuss as we aim to continue our exponential growth.

Our objectives for this two-day working session included building and strengthening bonds, and the co-creation of the structures that we need to bring Simply Blue Group forward. In honouring our values and commitment to our people, we recognised that bringing together our 45 strong team from the many corners of the globe was going to require...

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Are you just discovering that you have been complicit in the unethical, dangerous or illegal activities of your employer or industry?

What you did or didn't do in the past is done. It is what you do in this moment that frames who you are.

Choose better! Choose authenticity instead!

This can be achieved by raising awareness of core values, the beliefs built on those values, and the resulting behaviours.

The path back to being your best self can be accelerated by working with a professional coach!

Confidentially is assured 😉

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